About Me

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Meridian, Idaho, United States
Im a 25 year old mother, wife, daughter, friend... stranger. I started this blog when my life was put on hold to spend some precious time on bedrest. Now that my son is born and Im up and out of bed, Im on to a new chapter in my life... mother-hood of 2.

Friday, September 26, 2008

' too too bsu '


Jodi said...

OMG those are adorable! What little girl wouldn't love one of those!

Nicole Leavitt said...

Jackie! I love these! I just started a photography business and would LOVE to order some here and there in different colors for photos! Let me know how to go about ordering!

Linda said...

Way "too" cute. If I have a grandaughter coming, she will have several!!! How flippin' fun!!!

Nicole Leavitt said...

how itty bitty..is itty bitty? haha! would it fit Alexa? (8months)I am thinking i may have Alexa be tinkerbell for halloween..so ya let me know! :)

JACKI said...

ya, Nicole... "itty bitty" is like under 12 months.